Dorian Hunter, PhD

DBT-LBC Certified Clinician

Licensed Psychologist, Washington State

DBT trainer and consultant


  • If you are interested in being trained and/or supervised by me, please get in touch!

  • I currently sit on a DBT consultation team with other Washington-based DBT providers. I also provide both brief and ongoing consultation to licensed professionals. If you are interested in consultation with me, please get in touch!

  • If you are interested in working with me and my team, please reach out to me via We would love to hear from you!

  • There are some resources on this page that may be helpful to you.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Comprehensive Model 

​I am a DBT-LBC certified clinician.  I was trained by the treatment developer, Dr. Marsha Linehan, and other DBT experts to provide standard/comprehensive DBT.  I offer individual DBT sessions, skills training, phone coaching, and am a member of a DBT consultation team.

Behavior Therapies

For a variety of problems

I treat a wide variety of emotional and behavioral problems. In addition to DBT, I use a variety of behavioral interventions, both independently and in conjunction with DBT.  For example, I conduct Prolonged Exposure and other exposure therapies for PTSD and anxiety disorders.  For depressive disorders, I most often utilize Behavioral Activation.  I have extensive training in both couple and individual treatments for substance use disorders. I treat a variety of eating and body-image related problems, including binge eating and related disorders.

Couple and Family Therapies

DBT and Behavioral Couple Therapy

I have specific training and experience in couple-based treatments for couples for whom one or both members struggle with out-of-control behaviors, related to intense emotions and/or substance use disorders.


Supervision, Consultation, and Training

Teaching with Compassion and Science

In addition to providing direct services, I teach, train, and provide ongoing consultation in these interventions to clinicians with a variety of backgrounds and in a variety of types of organizations.